The Reason For SHTF Gear Should Be Obvious

By Ruthie Livingston

When the brown human waste reaches the rotating blades of the room cooling device, you know it. Many people, called preppers, will warn you about what this represents. Many will say that it will be a foreign invasion. Others will relax that definition and include such natural disasters as floods and massive power outages, or, some still hold to this, zombies in the immediate area. Before any of these things actually occur, it is a good idea to plan what kind of SHTF gear you are going to want and need.

One of the things you will miss the most is your home. It may have been rendered unlivable for an entire host of reasons. You will need to find a suitable replacement fairly quickly. The largest numbers of true preppers have built their houses into compounds that can withstand the ravages of whatever is going on at the time. These will incorporate a lot of security measures and storage for everything.

The severity of something like this means you will not have the comfort of the home you have lived in and decorated just the way you wanted it. When you hear about bug out bags, you understand it is for living out of for about three days. The something that happens that sends you out of your house, this time, will take much longer to settle down.

Depending on the size of your group, the type and flexibility of your gear will vary. You do need to think about that shelter. You do need to ensure it is secured as much as possible against the weather and it might be best for it to be on high ground with enough cover to conceal if that is necessary.

The need for you to be self sufficient is very real. This means either having an electrical generator or doing without electricity like people used to do. Heat can come from a fireplace or a fire pit. The Internet, while the kind of disaster that is being discussed is happening, is going to be off line as well as most of the online games, anyway.

Public transportation probably is not available. True preppers have a large vehicle, already prepared and maintained so it will not break down easily. A repair manual, for the specific year, should be in the survival kit. Failing a motorized vehicle, because after a fairly short amount of time, there may not be gas, a large trailer or wagon, pulled by people or animals is the next best.

One of the things that preppers spend a great deal of time dealing with is security. You should gather whatever you are comfortable with, such as knives and consider a rifle and or pistol. Ammunition can be gathered as available, before anything serious actually happens, because, afterward, forget it. Having a reloading set will also keep you in ammo for the time being.

Remember, to survive a holocaust of problems, a disaster or invaders of the human variety, the best thing to have handy is your common sense. Surviving for a day or two can seem like a camping trip but enduring for more than a month takes careful planning, knowing what is needed and gathering it together for your whole group. The things you need for when the SHTF, for real, must be secured, stored, clean and ready when needed.

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